Monday, 8 January 2018

10 Best Tips for New Zealand Immigration

Migrating to another Country is always the biggest challenge to all aspiring migrants. Therefore, careful study and analysis of your actions and decisions are very important, it could make or break your dream.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

This is the first thing you do, first step of the immigration process. Do your research, read information on the website before filling up the EOI form.
10 Best Tips for New Zealand Immigration

1. Enter information on EOI form correctly, follow instructions and honestly to avoid problems in the future. Your Visa Officer (VO) will contact your employer, your references and your school and if you think they don't give much attention to this. You are wrong.

2. Collect as many supporting documents as you can that has got something to do with your work e.g. employment certifications, tax records, promotion letters, SSS contributions, etc. Have it handy just in case your VO needs it. Remember, the faster you provide documents to your VO, the faster the progress of your application will be.

3. Educate yourself, sign-up to E-group (online groups) regarding NZ and learn from them. Ask questions, remember "there's no stupid question only stupid answers".

4. Listen to BBC news. Watch movies like Harry Potter and other British accent movies. Imitate the way they speak, I know this is sounds weird but you have to familiarize yourself with their accent.

5. Motivate yourself to speak English. If you're not comfortable talking to your peers in English, talk to yourself, talk to your dog or find someone you can comfortably talk to. The main point is practice every day. It pays to enroll in English short training to improve your English-speaking skills. This will boost and build up your confidence to speak in English.

6. Do your homework. Search on questions that your VO might ask. You may start composing your answer and practice it seriously. Some of the basic questions are, "Why did you choose NZ as a place of migration?" "What preparations have you made in regards to your migration to NZ?"

7. Be motivated in developing your English speaking, writing, and listening skills. I couldn't emphasize more how crucial this stuff but if your VO is not satisfied with your English skills, s/he might decline your application. Ask your partner to practice English as well because there are some parts of the interview that is intended for her/him.

8. Send hundreds of applications letter and mention that you will be arriving on that date. This way, once you arrived in New Zealand, you have couple of interviews lined up, at the same time you are trying to find another prospect.
10 Best Tips for New Zealand Immigration

9. During the job interview, just be yourself, do not be concerned about your accent or anything. Address your interviewer by his/her name, don't call them Mam or Sir, I find others get offended when you address them Mam or Sir.

10. Constantly communicate with your visa officer at this stage because time is very crucial here, update your status and follow-up. Once you receive your PR invitation to apply, you'll just need to pay migrant levy and you're done.

New Zealand Immigration is a popular destination among the immigrants. You can get visa for this country more easily as you can get for Canada. This is why this immigration is so popular all over the world.

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